Big went with his dad on Monday to get his driver's permit. I don't know if I am ready for my baby boy to drive, but I can't keep him small forever. So far he has driven 3 times and only managed to almost run out in front of another car once. (Only screamed a little bit!!) When he gets his head around driving, I am sure that it will be alright, but until then, I will ride along holding the door handle, holding my breath waiting until I have to correct his driving. (Maybe more screaming...)
Little turned 7 on Wednesday, January 14th and continues to tell me things she can do now that she is 7. She really wants to cook something, by herself! I don't think so!! She also seems to think she can wear lipstick now, but I have told her repeatedly that makeup comes much later. She will understand it eventually, hopefully. She is getting a little bit of an attitude, complete with looks that I shouldn't be getting until she is at least 14. I keep telling her that all those looks will get her is her pants a little warmer in the back...
I will leave your good folks, the 3 of you who actually read this, with a recipe that is so easy and good. Just remember, it makes somewhere around a gallon so be prepared.