Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday's all right...for updates

I decided that today I needed to spend a little time on my blog. It's been a while, but I'm here now...woohoo. Not much new around here that is exciting or interesting, unless you want to hear about my stomach oh well. Hubby had been working on his sermon for tomorrow, until a request for his presence to speak at a Valentine's Banquet from a church near where he teaches came in. It seems the speaker they had lined up had a slight fever and his stomach was not feeling well get the picture. This means that dear hubby will be up late again tonight making sure the sermon is God centered and covers all the things that he feels led to put into it.

Little bit is now 6 and informs us constantly that she can do it(whatever she is wanting to do without supervision) because she IS six now you know. This approach rarely ever works, but at least she tries. Boo is now taller than I am and constantly 14. Oh to be able to let him see that both his father and I have been 14 at least once in our lives and it all comes out OK.

A wonderous event has happened to a dear friend of many years, he and his wife have just had their first baby. Noel Grace was born on February 11 weighing in at over 8 pounds. I am told she looks just like her dad, bless her. Congratulations to the new parents!!

I will have to post again on Monday to tell how hubbies sermon goes. He has just started in 1John and it promises to be wonderful. See you then...