Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Thanksgiving is upon us once again. This year I have plenty to be thankful for and I will rejoice in the festivities. My husband is back safe from his trip to India and Nepal. He says that he is still processing all that he saw and encountered there and it's been over a month! I can see small differences in him since he came back, but with the things he has shared with me and the pictures I have seen he couldn't not change a small bit. If he didn't, I would be worried!

Dear son is doing well, and growing like a weed as they say. He has grown probably 3 inches since June and there is no sign of slowing. It is making it hard to find pants that fit him as his waist is smaller than his inseam. Fun fun shopping.

Dear daughter is growing as well. She is learning that just because one of your friends acts a certain way does not mean that you should act that way too. Especially if the way you are acting includes getting in your mom's face and swirling your head around while saying,"I don't care about..." whatever. Or if it is looking at your mom and saying "What are YOU looking at?!!". Never good. I finally had to tell her that I can out attitude her anyday and that if she ever tries it again I will beat her up one side and down the other. I think she believes me. She is 6 after all...

We are hosting a few friends at our house Thursday night after the family Thanksgiving lunch. It should be very interesting. I haven't given a dinner party before. I don't think this will be one per se. Just a lot of us sitting around stuffing ourselves and saying stupid things in bad accents. My house is rife with bad accents!!

Friends are plentiful, family is loving and supportive, all are well and in the US still. Life is good.