Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nothin' much, you?

Well, there is really nothing much new going on at Providence central that won't bore you to tears. Everyone is healthy, now that I am getting over some bizarre head cold, and everyone seems to be enjoying things as they are, except Hubby who has a hard time enjoying a lot of things right now. He is extremely busy doing stuff and planning stuff and trying to figure out how to get the mower going so that we can mow the 2 foot tall yard that I understand how hard it is to relax.

I, on the other hand, can always find a way to relax which is the bain of housecleaning. I really need to work on that whole 'get the housework done first' thing that great stay-at-home mom's have. I just can't get into the idea and I really need to. Any suggestions on how to get my behind motivated to clean as I should? (Short of drastic measures like an e-mail saying my in-laws were coming over in 4 hours. :) )

I will end this post by saying God is the greatest provider of our needs ever. Sometimes we forget, but I have been reminded of it repeatedly over the past week. I won't go into details, but because of His love for us as a family, no one has to sell a kidney so that the 'white man' (KIDDING) doesn't come and take things. It's too much. We don't deserve what He does for us, but He does it anyway. Thanks God!!

Later dudes and dudettes!