Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hello my peeps! Don't you just love the south and their fear of anything snow or ice? I am sitting here watching the fire burn and waiting for 12:30 to roll around so I can go and pick up my bundles of joy from school because it might snow this afternoon. It is not even under 40 degrees right now and hasn't been during the day this year I don't think and so snow will not stick or accumulate, yet we have to let the kids lay around the house be home safe just in case. I am all about my kids being safe but coming home 2 hours early because it might snow later? I never got out of school for that. Same school and system, but the snow had to be actually falling and sticking before we got out early. Also, they go in 2 hours late tomorrow so that "if" it does snow and stick, there will be time for it to melt before they go in. Lucky for me we went and traded in our movies through the mail for free ones at the store so we are set for at least 6+ hours of quiet reflection family togetherness maybe not getting on each others nerves.

We are all doing as well as we can. Hubbie is fighting sinus congestion that is making his teeth and back of neck hurt. There is nothing quite like feeling like your teeth are going to fall out unless you can poke your finger through your gums into your nose. I had the same about 2 weeks ago, but I got mine cleared out pretty well. His has stayed and he is not sleeping well because of it. I think last night was the first night he has slept more than 3 hours at a time since Saturday. We are dosing him with Sudafed, generic Mucinex, Ibuprophen, water, Tei Fu oil on his neck, ALJ herbal, Colloidal Silver in case of infection and saline spray. Some combination of OTC and herbal remedies should clear him out. It won't kill him.

Little and Big are doing well, just waiting for Christmas holidays to roll around. Next week is their last one before they are out for 2 weeks. Hubbie is out the same time. I love Christmas time and getting to be together, but sometimes it is hard to be in one house for extended periods of time. But, it will be good and fun and loving and I can't wait.

God grant me serenity and understanding for the 2 weeks of forced togetherness and please allow us to all coexist without anyone causing another to lose their cool. Amen.