Saturday, July 19, 2008

Like I Was Saying

So, it's been awhile. Can't say that I've been real busy, just lazy. There is quite a bit going on in our little slice of the world, just not anything to keep me from posting.

Right now, my family is preparing for dear husband to go on 2 trips to preach. Next Friday he will be leaving to go to Michigan for a week with the director of missions to preach in some small churches in lower MI. In October, God willing and providing, will see him going to Nepal to help teach young believers and preachers to share the gospel more effectively with their fellow Nepalese and maybe a few Tibetans. Not really an extremely safe trip, but if God's will is for him to be there, who am I to question. I must say that I will still worry and pray for his safety, but if it be God's will....

The kids are great. Although today the big is upset because he must get his hair cut. Not a big deal for some, but his hair is BIG! There must be a good 3 inches of hair that goes up in height. He looks about 5' 9" when he is only 5' 6.5". At 14 I think I should still have the right to tell him, and take him, to get it cut down to a reasonable length/height. The little wants her hair cut also. She wants it cut just below her ears and I am having a hard time with the shortness that she wants. I'll have to think about it, but I think shoulder length would be acceptable. Is it because I'm a little jealous of her beautiful hair? Maybe, but maybe it's because I think that she looks cuter with a little length on her hair. We'll see how it comes out.

I am still struggling with keeping the house presentable at all times. I know that as a pastor's family we should be ready at all times for people to come to the house in case they need counseling, but it is extremely hard. Especially now that canning season is here and I would like to put up as many cans of vegetables and jellies that I can. Oh, well, I will find the time if it is to be.

To end this post, let me say that my heart is full of praise for God and that I pray that all I do is to the glory of God. May His will be fulfilled.

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