Friday, September 12, 2008

Twice in One Week?

Can you believe it? Two blogs in a week. Whatever can have gotten into me?

Just had a few words and thoughts...

What is the deal with the gas prices? I realize that the refineries are shutting down, but the gas that we are buying now was already refined before this, so why is it costing us more now? Supply and demand is one thing, but price gouging is another, right?

How are we going to afford to eat and continue to work if the price of gas doesn't come down below $4.00/gal? If the price stays up over $4, if will take a lot of the take home pay to buy the gas to get to work to make the money to buy the gas... you get the picture. It's ridiculous.

Tomorrow is a full day of band related stuff. At 2:00 is the County Fair Parade through the center of town. Yippee!! Followed by the Night of Bands at the city High School from 6:00 until everyone has performed. Another great big yippee!! What more can you ask for? Heat, candy bounced off of the street and marching bands for 4 hours. You're jealous I know...

I mad Little mad when I picked her up from school. Undoubtedly I was an extremely mean and unfit mother because I wouldn't agree to her go to Wal-Mart. On a Friday, when there is a run on gas for your car? I don't think so!!

I think I will stop ranting about the little things and just relax. Breathe, breathe, OHMMMMM.......

1 comment:

Aliens and Strangers said...

Two blogs in one week is a little much. You may need to see a doctor.

The Shrink kind.